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Apostle Kawinga combines salvation with entreprenuership

There are many youthful Malawian entrepreneurs who are contributing to the development of the country. Among them is Lilongwe-based APOSTLE CLIFFORD KAWINGA who leads the Salvation for All Ministries. Our News Analyst LUCKY MKANDAWIRE speaks to Apostle Kawinga, who also owns CK Group of Companies, on how he reconciles entrepreneurship with spreading the word of God.

Apostle Kawinga: I received Jesus as my Lord and saviour before establishing businesses

. Firstly, who exactly is Apostle Clifford Kawinga?  

. I am the fifth in a family of eight children. I come from Gomani, Village, Traditional Authority Zulu in Mchinji District. I lost my father at the age of six years. We have been raised by our mother. Following our father’s death everything that we had was grabbed by his relatives. My mother was resilient enough that she raised us up through businesses. But at some point, it was too much for her to the extent that some us, including myself, were surrendered to a missionary who committed to support my education. And it is this missionary who took care of my tuition fees when I went to Don Bosco in Lilongwe’s Area 23.  In brief my childhood was wallowed in poverty you can ever imagine. The Apostle Clifford Kawinga you see today is a testimony of great things God can do to a person. I am now on my career path to a Master’s degree.

 How do you reconcile your time between serving the Lord through your ministry and operating the group of companies you own?

 In Matthews 6:33, it says ‘seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you as well”. This is my guiding principle. In whatever I am doing my priority number one is the work of God and all the engagements to do with the ministry are given utmost attention then the business and family. Every Tuesday and Saturday are completely left for God’s kingdom work. However, you may wish to know that even at both my office, and home you still find many people coming for pastoral support and help.  So, you can appreciate that God’s work takes more of my time. Needless to emphasise that my time is split into God’s work, business and my family.

Now, could we hear more about CK Group of Companies?

. CK group of companies is a wide range of companies providing goods and services ranging from, building, plumbing and electrical materials, safety products, agricultural tools, meat products, medical equipment, education and hospitality with its fist Hotel, Cliff View in Mchinji opening in two months.  We have been doing business for over 10 years with most of the sectors. As a company we have employed over 450 people. I am the managing director, but together with people that work for the company, under my leadership we believe we have together grown to become  a successful corporation. We have diversified and increased our business for everyone’s choice.

 This week, we learnt that you have acquired S & A Cold Storage, what is this news about?

 This is a new investment we have done as part of the strategic diversification and growth of the CK Group of Companies.  Let me thank the previous directors and staff for the expertise they had as S & A Cold storage. The name CK will just be a new name in the meat production, but we are continuing with the expertise of the previous directors.  However, as CK, we would like to strategically plan to satisfy the local market with our various meat products and in shorter period plan to start exporting our products to contribute to generation of forex for the country while responding to the government trade aspiration of making Malawi an exporting country. We assure Malawians and those that have been doing business with S & A Cold storage that CK Cold Storage will enhance the existing standards of products so as to satisfy the market needs and requirements.

 Which came first between the Salvation of All Ministries and CK Group of Companies?

 Salvation came first. I received Jesus as my Lord and saviour before establishing businesses. The ministry was the first though at that time I was still doing business whereby I was supplying goods in Asian shops. The business is following the promises God made to His children. That’s the more reason you see me dedicating substantial resources to reach to the people who are in dire need of support.

 It’s difficult for one to know which political party you align with. Are you comfortable talking about that?

 I don’t do politics. As a businessperson my focus is on business. However, as a servant of God I have a duty to pray for all politicians.

 Your last word?

 In the Bible, the book of Matthews says “all those that follow Jesus Christ will never lack anything and will have plenty”. In the same book, it says “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled” It is very important for a person to be in the word of God and do the word. For every man of God, it is also very important to be very active in things that will give you money to feed your family. People should not use their calling as a way for making money, but use their money to support their calling. Being a man of God should not make you a lazy person thinking that things will come on a silver platter, no, but work or do business so that God should bless you through that as it is in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12.  The Bible tells us that ‘we should be mild as dove but clever like a snake’. n

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